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Category: gemeenschappelijk

Lay Salvatorianen in de moderne wereld – 4

Salvatorian Universality in action

There are many different approaches to Salvatorian Universality. While the sisters and brothers of the religious communities see in it more the all-embracing love of God that is given to every human being without exception, we Lay Salvatorians seek a more practical application of it. For it is a truly universal instrument to give and make our neighbor experience the love of God.

As mentioned before, one of our most important guiding principles is the words of Blessed Francis Jordan: “As long as there is one person on earth who does not know God and does not love God above all things, you dare not allow yourself a moment’s rest. Lees verder

Lay Salvatorianen in de moderne wereld – 3

Community building

Even if there are local Salvatorian communities in several countries of the world, we must now find a common path to the future. We are now a Private Association of the Faithful dotted with juridical personality recognized by the dicastery of laity, familie, and life at the Vatican. This indicates leaving some fond and cherished practices and taking over and becoming familiar with some new ones. In particular, we need to pay more attention to becoming a true community.

ikn a true community, it’s not enough to meet on a superficial conversational level, make a little more than small talk, and leave out all the areas that really get to the heart of a person and bring us closer together. True communities have passed 4 phases: Lees verder

Lay Salvatorianen in de moderne wereld 1

The world today

Since the Lay Salvatorians began to develop in the 70s and 80s of the last century, their image has changed a lot. While the first Lay Salvatorians were dropouts from the two Salvatorian religious communities, real lay people have increasingly built up the present communities. And with that, a somewhat different spirit or outlook came to light. Equal in spiritual content but differently expressed by life.

In the following I want to draw an image of Lay Salvatorians today now and how the development could go forward into the future.

The world we live in has a lot of different faces and with it a lot of different life issues and challenges. Living our Christian Catholic faith is not easy in many places and is becoming increasingly difficult even in those areas where it was previously considered traditional. The reasons for this are diverse and very much go hand in hand with changes in our values and points of view of society. Lees verder

Lay Salvatorianen in de moderne wereld – 2

  1. Education


In today’s increasingly globalized world, where challenges must be addressed locally and globally at the same time, basic and comprehensive education is inevitable. Even if some people will not like going back to school, our world and life today afford lifelong learning everywhere. It is a slogan but if you think about it more closely at all times it was necessary to face new challenges and experiences and analyze them. Without doing so nobody would have been able to survive at any time. Today of course in a globalized world the amount of information is enormous and increasing. But to be interested in multifaceted topics can only marginally be compared with going to school again. Lees verder

Laten we samen lopen met Emmaüs …

Misschien ken je deze afbeelding gemaakt door Robert Zünd: “Op de wandeling naar Emmaüs”.
Hoe dan ook, velen van ons bevinden zich soms in soortgelijke situaties. De dag na het hoogfeest van Pasen is een goed moment om stil te staan ​​bij de woorden van Lucas 24, 13-35.
We willen je uitnodigen, als single of samen met anderen om je mening over deze tekst of wat je beweegt te delen in de reacties hieronder. Moge de zegen van de herrezen Heer over ons allemaal komen.

Advent – ​​een tijd van hoge verwachtingen

A time of quietness, a time of recovering, a time of reconsideration, a time of joyful anticipation. At least that we should connect with the word Advent, even if the world around isn’t it. The concentration on the center of our Salvatorian being, on Jesus Christ, and our reconsideration on his coming into our world should fill our hearts with great joy. I know that the reality is talking another language. The CoVid19 pandemic still forces many victims, the numbers of infects are increasing again, based on new mutations of the virus. Climate change is also hard knocking on our door but many people do not react, do not see the signs on the wall (“Mene mene tekel …” [Dan 5]) think they are not touched by that. Are we similar to King Belsazar?

Perhaps in the coming days of great anticipation, you will manage to take some time out. Time to question your own life, to re-explore, to reorient, and to rediscover the center of our Salvatorian being. Let us not close our eyes to the challenges and signs of the times, let us together courageously find new ways of consideration and sustainability. Let us learn to understand how each of us can counteract the pollution, exploitation, and injustice of the world.
May the song be an attunement for you for the coming time. In this sense a reflective Advent and really a time of great expectations

Pasen drie dagen: Witte Donderdag


Jezus zelf wast de voeten van zijn discipelen en nodigt ons uit om nederig onze medemensen te dienen:

“Toen ik, uw Heer en uw meester, heb je voeten gewassen, jullie moeten ook elkaars voeten wassen. Ik heb een voorbeeld gegeven; wat ik voor je heb gedaan, moet je ook doen” (John 13, 14-15).


Wij voelen hetzelfde als de apostelen Lees verder

GC brief van inspiratie en motivatie – november. 2020


Beste leken-salvatorianen,
Lees het nieuwe nummer van onze brief van inspiratie en motivatie hier. Ons GC-lid Sabin Ormaza uit Venezuela heeft iets geschreven over “Activiteiten voor de zaligverklaring van Fr. Jordanië“.

Geniet van de brief en het zou leuk zijn om een ​​beetje feedback van je te krijgen.

De leden van de GC van de ICDS

Inspiratiebrief en motivatie


Beste leken-salvatorianen:

Alstublieft, Lees hier de laatste editie van onze “Brief van inspiratie en motivatie”. Ons CG-lid Sabin Ormaza uit Venezuela heeft er iets over geschreven “Activiteiten voor de zaligverklaring van Fr.. Jordanië“.

Geniet van de brief en het zou leuk zijn om wat feedback van je te krijgen..

De leden van het ICDS General Committee

Brief van inspiratie en motivatie

Beste leken Salvatorianen,
Het huidige nummer van onze Inspiraties- en motivatiebrief Je vindt hier. Ons General Committee-lid Sabin Ormaza uit Venezuela heeft iets op de “Activiteiten voor de zaligverklaring van Fr. Jordanië” geschreven.

Laat je inspireren door de brief. We ontvangen graag een brief of een kleine reactie.

De leden van de GC van de ICDS

Inspiraties- en motivatiebrief