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Este dia tranquilo nos convida a fazer uma pausa e refletir sobre o significado de Jesus’ modo de vida e amor fiel a Deus e aos homens até a morte.


Da morte à nova vida

There was death when people hurt each other

with words or with silence,

but new life came,

when one asked the other for forgiveness,

when one gave another a chance

There was death when people lost sight of each other

and therefore thought that they meant nothing to each other,

but new life came,

when one went back to the other,

and the other was fully open to it.

There was death when people were wronged

through laws and structures like a maze,

who demands the right of the strongest,

but new life came,

when one asked the other to form a group

and to oppose injustice together.

There was death when Jesus chose love,

and went to the limit,

but new life came,

when people understood what Jesus meant

and the Spirit gave strength enough

to bring new life everywhere.


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  • EasterSaturday: © https://www.laysalvatorians.org/spiritual
  • Pascal: © https://www.laysalvatorians.org/spiritual