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Avvento: tempo di grandi aspettative

Un momento di quiete, un tempo di recupero, un momento di ripensamento, un momento di gioiosa attesa. Almeno questo dovremmo collegarci con la parola Avvento, anche se il mondo intorno non lo è. La concentrazione sul centro del nostro essere salvatoriano, su Gesù Cristo, and our reconsideration on his coming into our world should fill our hearts with great joy. I know that the reality is talking another language. The CoVid19 pandemic still forces many victims, the numbers of infects are increasing again, based on new mutations of the virus. Climate change is also hard knocking on our door but many people do not react, do not see the signs on the wall (“Mene mene tekel …” [Dan 5]) think they are not touched by that. Are we similar to King Belsazar?

Perhaps in the coming days of great anticipation, you will manage to take some time out. Time to question your own life, to re-explore, to reorient, and to rediscover the center of our Salvatorian being. Let us not close our eyes to the challenges and signs of the times, let us together courageously find new ways of consideration and sustainability. Let us learn to understand how each of us can counteract the pollution, exploitation, and injustice of the world.
May the song be an attunement for you for the coming time. In this sense a reflective Advent and really a time of great expectations

2. Domenica di Avvento: SPERANZA – Dobbiamo dare e di vivere …

Testo in spagnoloTesto su Tedesco

Speranza – è un allineamento interiore fiducioso, accoppiato con un'aspettativa positiva. però, non v'è alcun reale certezza se questo risultato desiderato si verifica effettivamente. La speranza è la completa orientamento emotivo e spesso l'azione-guida del popolo sul futuro.

Pensando un po 'su queste righe sopra, l'idea nasce quella speranza si verifica sempre quando c'è insoddisfazione o di incertezza. Date le minacce quasi ovvie nella nostra realtà meravigliosa Terra, questo influisce probabilmente la maggior parte delle persone. Se sono interessate da un inizio di cambiamento climatico perché stanno perdendo la loro terra e della casa o sono preoccupati di perdere il posto di lavoro – entrambi sono alla base della loro incertezza. Sia che i bambini possono ottenere senza, oppure solo un povero, formazione per il loro futuro, o il proprio paese non più offrire un futuro a causa della cattiva gestione e di corruzione o da atti criminali bellicosi e permanenti. Se la terra è stata distrutta da calamità naturali ed è stata ricostruita solo temporaneamente o per niente, o se l'uomo stesso ha disidratato laghi con le sue azioni, fiumi divennero deviati, la terra divenne distrutta e devastata dalle tecniche e l'inquinamento e si è fatto inutile per generazioni. Si potrebbe facilmente elencare molte altre ragioni. però, vedi, ci sono abbastanza ragioni per le persone a lasciare la propria terra e le venture in un viaggio incerto e pericoloso verso il futuro. “Fuga” e “migrazione” sono presenti in molte parti del mondo di oggi, con tutti i loro sottoprodotti e gli effetti. Continua a leggere

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1. Domenica di Avvento: La pace sia su di noi - un sogno eterno?

Testo in spagnoloTesto su Tedesco

In the first days of November of this year in many places in the world, people thought about the end of the first world war 100 years ago. „Never war again“ was one of the most cited appeals because people had gone through a war with unimaginable horror. Did they learn anything from that? Unfortunately not, because as much as the war and the violence was abhorred at that time, the actual causes have received very little attention. Immediately thereafter, demands for reparations, territorial claims, eccetera. were on the table, which only deepened the discord, hatred and injustice.

In connection to this, you could consider the verse from Mat 5,39: “When someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other one to him as well.” A wisdom, which irritates us immediately. Why do I have to suffer the hurt twice and become humiliated to get peace? – Not a few will ask what is that good for? It is no different than a wisdom that the ancient Greeks had already recognized, namely that of amnesty. There it was prescribed by law and executed in all its consequence. What does that mean?

What has happened cannot be undone, e we all know this from often painful experienceS. The call and desire for revenge, retribution and (supposed) justice is strong. But how can one succeed in escaping this spiral of mistreatment, murder, manslaughter and ongoing mutual violence? This is a dilemma which is tormenting human history for millennia.

In ancient Greece, it was recognized that a new, untouched page must become opened in the Book of Life. però, this can only happen if all the oldinsulting and hurtingdoes not continue to burden. Thereforegeneral forgetting” – the amnesty, was prescribed by law. The violation or disregard of this law was made under penalty of death or synonymous exclusion from the society (outlaw = was left to fend for itself), the highest of all penalties. Thus, amnesty can be seen as a kind of prescriptive forgetting. This requires tremendous courage from people in terms of size and tolerance. This is often not easy. But only through this pain a new beginning succeeds, and a new, common life is possible.

The Christian faith understands itself as a religion of peace. But what a contradiction do we see and read in the daily news?

Today we celebrate the first Sunday of Advent. This should recall sopra the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. (Luke 21,25–28.34–36). This report on this triumphal entry is a contrast program. But these contrasts show us examples for use in one’s own life. It is the story of a king who comes as a low servant on a donkey, not in royal robes, but in clothes of the poor and the humble. Jesus Christ does not come as an earthly king to conquer by force, but with love, grace, mercy and his own sacrifice for his people. His kingdom on earth has no armies, riches, or splendor, but humility and servanthood. He does not conquer nations or markets; he does not want to dominate anyone. No, he invites and speaks to the hearts of the people, His message is that of peace.

Every peace always starts on a small scale, in ourselves, no matter what the external circumstances may be. Every peace begins or ends where the boundaries between me and my neighbor are crossed. If there is disunity within ourselves, it usually reflects outward in our words and actions. Sooner or later, this innerwarleads to external strife. That’s why it’s so important to be in peace with yourself, “to functioning smoothly”. I cannot ask for something from others that I am not prepared to give from myself.

The essential step to inner peace is forgiveness. Only by forgiving others and oneself can the negative emotions be overcome. This does not say the acts or incidents were alright. Sometimes only the prescribed forgetting helps here. Then it becomes clear, what Jesus had meant with, “When someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other one to him as well.This can’t work without pain. It’s a tough struggle, but it works if both sides have a genuine interest in it. Peace begins in small steps and gestures. Great empathy and creativity are needed to resolve conflicts, as well as other, non-violent methods. It is a long learning process and requires emotional maturity. Let’s set off together on the road to a common peace on this first Sunday of Advent

In this sense:

Shalom aleikhem - as-salãmu ʿalaykum -

peace be upon you –

La paz sea contigo

Pokój z toba

La paix soit avec vous

a paz esteja contigo

Friede sei mit Dir …!

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